Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Warm water and pixie sphinxes

Warm water all around me often does wonders for my soul. A well-lit clean shower (or even candle-lit on occasion). Hot tubs. Hot springs.

I wish there were aesthetically-pleasing shower stations around town, workplaces, and schools for people to enjoy this short time-out.

I saw a shower station on campus yesterday but it was for something completely different. It was one of those emergency showers for chemical splashes, etc. I was halfway tempted to pull the triangle shaped bar and get deluged with cold water... on a chilly, rainy day... just for the hell of it.

Then my better sense got the best of me. Well, actually my better sense seems to think it needs to act like special service agents and wrestle those kind of thoughts to the ground and taser them. But my better sense has been malfunctioning for the past couple years with all sorts of social situations. So, maybe it's a good sign that my 'not better' sense, my mischievous side, my inner pixie sphinx is peeking out again.


Unknown said...

Nothing wrong with a little mischief. =)

jR said...

I'm really not going to admit in public having ever having acted on said impulse with the emergency showers in a moment of lack of amusement.

But you get the idea. :)